The Shapies follows the adventures of ten charming characters as they endeavour to overcome obstacles, incorporating musical talent, humour and mischievous adventures in their 3D world.
Bob Oblong, Paul the Ball, Sarah Circle, Starry Star, Tammy Triangle, Sammy Square, Sally Cylinder, Connie Cone, Perry Pyramid and Rex Rectangle are the stars of The Shapies.
Trapped in an old toy box, some of The Shapies band members - Bob Oblong, Paul the Ball, Sally Cylinder, Sarah Circle and Rex Rectangle - set out on a quest to find their missing friends.
Guided and encouraged by the magical Mirrorman, The Shapies emerge into an exciting new world beyond the toy box, which they explore and learn about in wonder.
With fantasy, mystery, action and drama, each episode brings a new phase of the search, and one by one The Shapies are rewarded by finding a lost friend - right until the last lost Shapie is found.
Made up of ten members, the band is able to play and sing in a variety of different styles. The Shapies dream of one day becoming the most popular band in the world.
The Shapies is all about friendship, learning and adventure.